Friday, January 27, 2012

China town part II

Now let me tell you more about China town !
If we’re talking about the China town at night , one outstanding thing about it actually has to do with food. Yes, food!
Let’s talk about when is the best time to go. If you want to go eat out and try some stand food, I would suggest you to go after 7PM. Stand food in China town is very famous, it’s not like other stand food. In China town there are so many well-known shops that have been open over the century. For me personally, I like Kuy-jab so much. It has always been full of people and you should really try some. Along the road, you will not only see food, but you can also see they sell fruit as well that always tastes delicious and it tastes so original, totally diffirent from the others you have eaten, I promise. Apart from foods, you can also see the fruit stands along the road. For example, Dragon fruit, its everywhere and it tastes just amazing!
But if you want something more luxurious, you can go for the proper restaurants, they have a lots, and you usually can go during the day time as well (I would suggest after the afternoon is perfect!)

They would serve you amazing high class Chinese food.
The way they decorate is pretty much Chinese style. Huge Chinese alphabet, red lamp in Chinese style. They usually have the examples of their food in front of the retuarant where you can see what they have before you decide to go in.
In China town, there’s no particular food soi or grocery store soi, they’re pretty much mixed.

The most popular time in China town I would say is Chinese new year. It’s so magnificent there, people dressed with Chinese costume, and they basically always have spectacular acrobatic dragon dances in front of the temple. It is just absolutely fantastic!

Oh before we leave, one thing I really personally like from china town is chestnut. I think the way they make it is so fresh and it smells really nice! My parents always got me to buy it for them everytime I go there. So this is the picture of how they made the chestnut and what it looks like.
The price for one box is approximately 120 B.

I think this is it for our review for this week about China town, so please, if you have time, and feel like you want your night to be a little diffirent and are hungry for some good food, China town is your alternative now.
Thanks so much everyone for reading our blog. Feel free to leave comments or suggest anything you like.
Hope everyone have a fantastic weekend. Ciao!

Maitree T.


  1. I used to go to Chinatown in the day,but I never go there in the night. There are many restaurants that I hope to experience.

  2. I've never been China Town before. After reading your review, it makes me want to visit there. I should try some food too especially chestnut, really love it.

  3. I have been to many China towns in Thailand and Malaysia. I think China town at Bangkok is smaller than Hadyai and Phuket. China Town in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Malacca is really vibrant. Maybe China town in bangkok do not have too much chinese as in south of Thailand that there are many Chinese Thai and baba yaya culture even in my hometown

  4. Ahhhhhhhhhhh
    I always go to china town in the night cuz I know that is time to eating55555
    I love chestnut from china town too. It's delicious;)

  5. i agree with you that Chines are major for their new year.
    the only holiday of the year that they allow themselves to have a vacation.

  6. I want to go China town again, because I want to eat many yummy foods and enjoy walking along the road.

  7. i just went to china town last week. there are so many food i would like to eat. i also have tried guay jub and i love it
