Monday, March 12, 2012

Romeo caught cheated

Romeo caught cheated

By Thierawan Bhookong

The celebrity of Verona, Romeo from the Montague’s family got caught cheated by his fiancé, Rosaline, with Juliet of the Capulet’s family. There would be no wedding as they had planned.

Romeo became a hot topic again when his forbidden love revealed. Rosaline found Romeo and Juliet together at the Montague’s house when she went to surprise Romeo on his birthday.

“I saw Rosaline opened Romeo’s room and then screamed. I pretended to walk passed by to take a look. Rosaline saw Juliet with Romeo on his bed, naked” said one of the house maids.

Romeo and Rosaline was the famous celebrity lover in Verona. They had been dating for 3 years and got engaged 6 months ago.

They were expected to marry soon since the two families wanted Rosaline to have children right away. The girl family as well thought that the couple was engaged for too long so the sooner the wedding was the better.

Rosaline locked herself inside the house, denied to take any interview and avoided any contact with any outsider. “Her heart is broken. So, can you please leave her alone”, only comment from her family, Rosaline’s mother.

“They were such a lovely couple. They were meant to be. I don’t know what is Romeo trying to do but he’d just made a big mistake.” said Rosaline’s best friend.

On the other hands, Romeo best friend, Benvolio, claimed that Rosaline was being too pushy lately about the wedding. “She’s the one who ruins their relationship. She’s the one who scares him away.” he said.

From this scandal, Juliet was forbidden to leave the house. The maid in her house said that the Capulet family would come up with the punishment real soon. What she’d done brought shame and dishonor to the family.

There was a complication of this story and still, there was no sign of Romeo in town. Many people suspected that he already left to avoid the scandal and some believed, to escape the responsibility of the story.

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