Monday, March 12, 2012

Katze wins Pet President’s Election

Katze wins Pet President’s Election


Michael Katze in his office photograph by

Pet Metropolis  Mr. Michael Katze won the presidential election against Mr. Patrick Hund, his opponent.

Patrick Hund, Human Best Friend Party’s candidate, admitted his defeat and congratulated Katze for his victory. “It was a great fight with Katze. He’s a noble gentleman. We both hope best for Kingdom of Pet. I am willing to work with him to serve our people. ”

Yesterday Mr. Katze gave his first speech as the president of Kingdom of Pet promising to banish seafood corruptions in the country.   

“I gave my words on driving seafood corruptions out of this country. Now I have the power to do so, I’ll never ever let any fish out of the ocean. ” said Mr. Katze

Conversely, last week Pet Metropolis Poll issued the poll pointing that Michael Katze was behind Patrick Hund for 1 point.

Mrs. Brooklyn Katze, Michael Katze’s wife, claimed that she always believed her husband would win the election.

“I have never seen a person who dedicated to our country more than Michael. He works very hard for it. I always know that he would win because people can see what I see.” said Brooklyn after the unofficial result releasing.

Former President Francis Vogel blessed the new president and praised his ability in fixing problems.

“Michael is perfect for the situation of our country. He was the best Secretary of State in the history. He solved the problem with Thailand.” said Mr. Vogel

People of Kingdom of Pet celebrated for their new president on streets all night. One of Katze supporters told the reporter that he was full with joy for Katze’s victory so he had to share with others on the street.  

According to Police Department, police officers were sent out to control the celebration around the country therefore there was no report of any kind of troubles.

This article is a part of final project in the journalism class. The information above is fictional.

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