Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hilly, new joke of Jackson

Hilly, new joke of Jackson

By Thierawan Bhookong

Mississippi - On Sunday 11th, 2012, Hilly Holbrook became a new talk of the Jackson town when her front yard was filled with many lavatories, considered to be the revenge of her home health sanitation.

Early in the morning, Hilly Holbrook, the president of junior league of Jackson, woke up to found hundreds of toilets in her front yard, the best yard of the year.

“I heard Hilly’s screaming when she got out of her house. She was crying and yelling angrily, tried to stop people from taking picture of her yard.” said, Hilly’s neighbor. “I don’t pity her if you ask me. She tries to boss around and it’s so annoying. Good to see someone teach her a lesson.”

Recently, Hilly tries to pass on a home health sanitation initiative to build a separate bathroom for black maids to every white people houses. This made many people, especially colored people, furious for considering this as racism.

Hilly said that the sanitation was necessary because, as she claimed, colored people carry different diseases from white people. She tried to make the sanitation passed through the White Citizen's Council, to become an actual law.

“Hilly thinks colored people are different from white people. The idea of colored people has the right as equal as white people scares her.” said one of Hilly’s friends. “She stopped talking with Eugenia, her best friends, because Eugenia said the whole sanitation was inhuman and disagreed to cooperate.”

One of the colored maids said that Hilly was Hitler of this era. Instead of destroy the Jew; she intended to wipe out all the colored people.

“Miss Hilly treats us cruelly. Even the day with the storm, she wouldn’t let us use toilet in her house. We do all the house chore and taking care of her baby. Yet, she’s never treated us as a person.”

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