Sunday, March 4, 2012

Breaking News!

NASA States Antarctica Half Gone


The remains of Antarctica

WASHINGTON -- NASA announced Antarctica was half visible and alerted Argentina and Chile of possible quick floods by Aqua’s aftermath.

Last night at 9.00 p.m. EST, NASA held a press conference releasing a picture of the remains of Antarctica. The South Pole continent was found half its size by NASA’s satellites during their monthly space watch. Due to a blizzard named “Aqua” hit the east coast of Antarctica 3 months ago, left the continent half chopped and destroyed surface.

After 2 weeks of snow storm formation around the east of the Southern Ocean, it had been developed into a gigantic blizzard and ravaged the east coast of Antarctica on Nov. 15, 2011. The storm had sustained winds of 235 km/h and lasted for almost 3 months. It kept the continent covered with thick layer of snow for a month then rapidly eroded away its land.

NASA could not detect any picture of Antarctica from their satellites because of the blizzard. They had experienced the situation before so they acknowledged the blast but ignored Antarctica. When the storm was gone, the watch term was shocked by the pictures they got. Half of Antarctica was disappeared in the ocean. They immediately called for an urgent meeting of scientists and afterward informed the press for a conference.

NASA’s spokesman said in the press conference that the topic concerned from the Antarctica blizzard is that it raises the see level in the ocean which could drown some parts of Argentina and Chile. “We are confirmed that there are 3% chance of prompt floods in southern parts of Argentina and Chile if there are any factors that cause the rise of sea level. However, there’s only a blizzard like Aqua to cause such harm so the chance remains low. We suggest both countries to keep an eye on the situation. Evacuation is not necessary for the moment.” 

This article is a part of final project in the journalism class. The information above is fictional.

photography by NASA Public Domain.

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