Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hilly, new joke of Jackson

Hilly, new joke of Jackson

By Thierawan Bhookong

Mississippi - On Sunday 11th, 2012, Hilly Holbrook became a new talk of the Jackson town when her front yard was filled with many lavatories, considered to be the revenge of her home health sanitation.

Early in the morning, Hilly Holbrook, the president of junior league of Jackson, woke up to found hundreds of toilets in her front yard, the best yard of the year.

“I heard Hilly’s screaming when she got out of her house. She was crying and yelling angrily, tried to stop people from taking picture of her yard.” said, Hilly’s neighbor. “I don’t pity her if you ask me. She tries to boss around and it’s so annoying. Good to see someone teach her a lesson.”

Recently, Hilly tries to pass on a home health sanitation initiative to build a separate bathroom for black maids to every white people houses. This made many people, especially colored people, furious for considering this as racism.

Hilly said that the sanitation was necessary because, as she claimed, colored people carry different diseases from white people. She tried to make the sanitation passed through the White Citizen's Council, to become an actual law.

“Hilly thinks colored people are different from white people. The idea of colored people has the right as equal as white people scares her.” said one of Hilly’s friends. “She stopped talking with Eugenia, her best friends, because Eugenia said the whole sanitation was inhuman and disagreed to cooperate.”

One of the colored maids said that Hilly was Hitler of this era. Instead of destroy the Jew; she intended to wipe out all the colored people.

“Miss Hilly treats us cruelly. Even the day with the storm, she wouldn’t let us use toilet in her house. We do all the house chore and taking care of her baby. Yet, she’s never treated us as a person.”

Religious Killing of Daughters

By Maitree T.

BAKKOK - Yesterday, the policed arrested two Muslim parents outside New York City for murdering their two young daughters. The reason behind the murder was associated with religious taboos.

Jasmine, 18 years old and her sister, Laura, 21 years old, were found dead in their car in a canal near their school.

Police became suspicious of the parents when they noticed that there was also damage on the parents' vehicle that matched the damage on the daughters' vehicle.

After the investigation, Mohammed, the father, confessed that he pushed his daughters’ vehicle into the canal because he was not happy with the way they were dressing and the way they were interacting with boys at high school.

The investigators also found out that Hanna, the mother and her cousin, Abdul, were involved in this murder.

After hearing that his daughters were going to meet some American boys, the father, Mohammed, and the cousin, Abdul, followed the girls in their own vehicle. When the girls were stopped near a canal, they used their own vehicle to push the girl’s car into the water.

“I think my daughters behaved against the teaching of the Koran and our neighbors were looking down on them like they were so cheap. They also cursed at them and at all our family members too. Every day, I felt ashamed and embarrassed. No matter how many times I warned them, they never listened. I could not accept their behavior. Seeing my daughters being so Western breaks my heart.” Hanna said.

Students at Jasmine’s and Laura’s school were outraged and saddened by what the parents had done to the two girls. Many students went to the canal to put down flowers and candles in memory of the two girls.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Madrid stuns Barca as run goes on

Ronaldo beats Barcelona’s Marcherano before scoring the winning goal for Real Madrid. Reuters

Pongpat Pattamatat

Barcelona: Real Madrid have extended their winning streak for a title of the La Liga  leage with a 3-2 victory over Barcelona at the Camp Nou stadium on Sunday.    
Two goals from Christiano Ronaldo overcame resilient Barcelona at Camp Nou, helped his team to victory, up three points ahead of Barcelona.
 The game started with Xabi Alonso’s penalty shot smacked the crossbar which missed a chance to put Madrid in front in the first minute of the game.
For 4 minutes later, experienced Striker David Villa gave Barca the lead with a good headed from just inside six yard box. Villa doubled Barca’s lead with an unstoppable 35-yard shot into the corner of the net in the 42nd minute.
In the second half, Christiano Ronaldo made a hope forMadrid by scoring a long range goal in the 54th minute. Madrid’s equalizer came through world class striker Fernando Torres    as he seized on full-back Macherano’s mistake to score a    tap-in. Ronaldo forced Barcelona to be the loser by placing a ball into a goal in second-half injury time.
The match ended with Real Madrid’s convincing 3-2 win over Barcelona  
Barcelona boss Gladiola said that “We didn’t perform a solid performance in the second half, so it led us to lose 3 worth points. We will leave the result of this match behind and focus on the next game instead.” 
"Our lads made a superb comback today and Ronaldo was stellar for us," said Real Madrid boss Jose Mourinho. " We were happy with the win, but we need other wins to be a champion at the end of the season."
Wining 23 and losing 6 matches have been made a big title chance for Real Madrid so far this season.
 The Real Madrid victory over Barcelona let them get closer and closer to become a champion of the La Liga leage this season which are 3 games remaining.
According to the La Li 2011-2012 table, Real Madrid have to battle with Valencia, Sevilla and Malaga to take at least 6 points for being the champion. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Katze wins Pet President’s Election

Katze wins Pet President’s Election


Michael Katze in his office photograph by

Pet Metropolis  Mr. Michael Katze won the presidential election against Mr. Patrick Hund, his opponent.

Patrick Hund, Human Best Friend Party’s candidate, admitted his defeat and congratulated Katze for his victory. “It was a great fight with Katze. He’s a noble gentleman. We both hope best for Kingdom of Pet. I am willing to work with him to serve our people. ”

Yesterday Mr. Katze gave his first speech as the president of Kingdom of Pet promising to banish seafood corruptions in the country.   

“I gave my words on driving seafood corruptions out of this country. Now I have the power to do so, I’ll never ever let any fish out of the ocean. ” said Mr. Katze

Conversely, last week Pet Metropolis Poll issued the poll pointing that Michael Katze was behind Patrick Hund for 1 point.

Mrs. Brooklyn Katze, Michael Katze’s wife, claimed that she always believed her husband would win the election.

“I have never seen a person who dedicated to our country more than Michael. He works very hard for it. I always know that he would win because people can see what I see.” said Brooklyn after the unofficial result releasing.

Former President Francis Vogel blessed the new president and praised his ability in fixing problems.

“Michael is perfect for the situation of our country. He was the best Secretary of State in the history. He solved the problem with Thailand.” said Mr. Vogel

People of Kingdom of Pet celebrated for their new president on streets all night. One of Katze supporters told the reporter that he was full with joy for Katze’s victory so he had to share with others on the street.  

According to Police Department, police officers were sent out to control the celebration around the country therefore there was no report of any kind of troubles.

This article is a part of final project in the journalism class. The information above is fictional.

Romeo caught cheated

Romeo caught cheated

By Thierawan Bhookong

The celebrity of Verona, Romeo from the Montague’s family got caught cheated by his fiancé, Rosaline, with Juliet of the Capulet’s family. There would be no wedding as they had planned.

Romeo became a hot topic again when his forbidden love revealed. Rosaline found Romeo and Juliet together at the Montague’s house when she went to surprise Romeo on his birthday.

“I saw Rosaline opened Romeo’s room and then screamed. I pretended to walk passed by to take a look. Rosaline saw Juliet with Romeo on his bed, naked” said one of the house maids.

Romeo and Rosaline was the famous celebrity lover in Verona. They had been dating for 3 years and got engaged 6 months ago.

They were expected to marry soon since the two families wanted Rosaline to have children right away. The girl family as well thought that the couple was engaged for too long so the sooner the wedding was the better.

Rosaline locked herself inside the house, denied to take any interview and avoided any contact with any outsider. “Her heart is broken. So, can you please leave her alone”, only comment from her family, Rosaline’s mother.

“They were such a lovely couple. They were meant to be. I don’t know what is Romeo trying to do but he’d just made a big mistake.” said Rosaline’s best friend.

On the other hands, Romeo best friend, Benvolio, claimed that Rosaline was being too pushy lately about the wedding. “She’s the one who ruins their relationship. She’s the one who scares him away.” he said.

From this scandal, Juliet was forbidden to leave the house. The maid in her house said that the Capulet family would come up with the punishment real soon. What she’d done brought shame and dishonor to the family.

There was a complication of this story and still, there was no sign of Romeo in town. Many people suspected that he already left to avoid the scandal and some believed, to escape the responsibility of the story.

Sunday, March 11, 2012



The government has announced that the Krungthep dome will be ready to use in March 2013.

BANGKOK- The wait is about to be over. The government officially announced in the national conference yesterday about the Krungthep dome. Since the plan to construct the biggest dome in Bangkok has been planed since 1998, now it's time for the official to make known that the epic Krungthep dome will be complete to use in 2013.

The planed to build the dome has been agree from the previous government but it has never happened for real but now in years later , the plan was relocated again and soon in 2013 we will have the biggest and superb dome in Bangkok. The krunthep dome will be located next in to 21 terminal mall, the modern shopping centre in Asoke.

"The krungthep dome will be ready for such a huge concert or some big football and baseball games, with the very exclusive design for flexible use. The partnership of 5 brilliant architects from different countries is about to make the greatest work. The dome can be seated about 50,000 or up to 57,000 people.” - Anna Kee, an architect who charged in this process said.

Though the official said the krungtep dome is planned to be open in March of 2013.The first person who will use the dome for the very first time will be Bonnie Accitre', a famous vocalist from France. There will be a huge concert in the dome yet the ticket will be ready to booked on 22th May of this year. It will be just marvelous! Source and more information about the ticket and Bonnie's tour please check on the website

There are the doubt talks all over the internet namely; the forums in or, if dome would be like the great Tokyo dorm in Japan, a massive dorm with epic shows and sport games. If we could do that in Bangkok, it would be just beyond incredible. We all just have to wait and see! It will be just soon enough for us.


Massive snow storm freezes Bangkok 
Hazardous road conditions greet Bangkok on Saturday evening. Reuters 
Pongpat Pattamatat

Bagkok: Avenues, sidewalks, buildings and the weather turned white on Saturday in Bangkok because of a freak massive snow storm which piled up a foot of snow, made pipes freeze and caused power outages.

Meteorologists cautioned that snow, ice, high winds and blizzard conditions were possible in a few days in Bangkok and suggested that residents must prepare for the snow storm and blizzard.

Snow began falling at a rate of more than an inch per hour on Saturday afternoon. All Bangkok mass communications announced that a heavy snowfall was expected to come in the evening around 5.30 p.m.

Most Bangkok areas were almost covered with the storm at 8.30 p.m. In the southern parts of Bangkok, the blizzard brought some of the worst conditions which caused damage in many areas.

The storm dropped nearly 22 inches of snow. Most areas got at least a foot of snow, with temperatures lingering approximately at 15 °F.

The snow built up quickly and covered highways and mainroads with layers of snow and slush; many of them were impassable.

Michel Downing, who is a road sweeper, said “The snow is really pretty when it first hits the ground, but I have to shovel this crap all day night.”

In the northern parts of Bangkok, people had nothing to drink and at times they were dealing with pipes freezing since 9 p.m.

“I would not expect to be without water,” said Avril Smith, a chambermaid. “Please give me a hand or I will be dead”

Most residences, colleges and companies were troubled by the power outages. The colleges were forced to close and people were unable to work until the power could be restored.

Sompong Alex, a headteacher of Taweethapisek School declared that “We had to close the school for the safety of our teachers and students. The school will be opened when the storm is gone." 

Bangkok lately dealt with the huge powerful storm that killed 1050 people on Dec.26, 2004.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Natalie supermodel got arrested.

Natalie Mcnella , a super model from Australia got arrested in Bangkok.

BANGKOK-A 21 years-old super model Natalie Mcnella from Australia got arrested in Bangkok yesterday in Khaosan road. The NNN tv reported that she was doing some kind of drugs last night with a group of model friends.
The drugs they do was included ice pills. She had gone for the pee test and it comes out positive.
She insists that she had nothing to do with it at all and it obviously a fail tested. – Natalie Claimed.

While there was a break in to the party in Khaosan road in the place called “GIGIstar” there was a huge group of people partying and most of them were half naked. Most of the people there was famous and high society people. It cached the police eyes. Then the police decided to break into the place and surprisingly more than 80 people in the club were doing some kind of drugs and obviously looked so high in their faces. However clearly they all had to go for the testes and the consequences from most of them are positives.

The owner of the GIGIstar has disappears still now, the owner still hasn’t show up for any responsible.
Now the supermodel insists not to speak any words to the press after once she said it was such a devastated night that she had nothing to do with drugs at all.
Natalie’s close friend gives testimony to the police that Natalie is totally a drug’s hater, she doesn’t even smoke and it’s no possible way that she could have been doing drugs and stuffs.
Nalalie cancelled her job in Bangkok fashion week which is up coming in two days. She planed to go back to Australia as soon as possible.


Breaking News!

NASA States Antarctica Half Gone


The remains of Antarctica

WASHINGTON -- NASA announced Antarctica was half visible and alerted Argentina and Chile of possible quick floods by Aqua’s aftermath.

Last night at 9.00 p.m. EST, NASA held a press conference releasing a picture of the remains of Antarctica. The South Pole continent was found half its size by NASA’s satellites during their monthly space watch. Due to a blizzard named “Aqua” hit the east coast of Antarctica 3 months ago, left the continent half chopped and destroyed surface.

After 2 weeks of snow storm formation around the east of the Southern Ocean, it had been developed into a gigantic blizzard and ravaged the east coast of Antarctica on Nov. 15, 2011. The storm had sustained winds of 235 km/h and lasted for almost 3 months. It kept the continent covered with thick layer of snow for a month then rapidly eroded away its land.

NASA could not detect any picture of Antarctica from their satellites because of the blizzard. They had experienced the situation before so they acknowledged the blast but ignored Antarctica. When the storm was gone, the watch term was shocked by the pictures they got. Half of Antarctica was disappeared in the ocean. They immediately called for an urgent meeting of scientists and afterward informed the press for a conference.

NASA’s spokesman said in the press conference that the topic concerned from the Antarctica blizzard is that it raises the see level in the ocean which could drown some parts of Argentina and Chile. “We are confirmed that there are 3% chance of prompt floods in southern parts of Argentina and Chile if there are any factors that cause the rise of sea level. However, there’s only a blizzard like Aqua to cause such harm so the chance remains low. We suggest both countries to keep an eye on the situation. Evacuation is not necessary for the moment.” 

This article is a part of final project in the journalism class. The information above is fictional.

photography by NASA Public Domain.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Breaking NEWS I

Lost girl mysteriously returns

Dorothy Gales returned home safely, yet mysteriously on Feb 17th, 2012

Dorothy Gales

By Thierawan Bhookong

Kansas - After missing on Feb 9th, 2012, Dorothy Gales returned home to her aunt and uncle.

“She just walked out from the wood in the back of the farm. Seemed to be fined, didn’t look like the girl who got lost at all.” said Mr. Hunk, the neighbor. “Her outfit was different from what she usually wears, dirty clothes. She wore a neat clean white and blue dress and ruby slippers instead.”

Dorothy had vanished from her house in Kansas for a week while her aunt and uncle went out for groceries shopping. Her aunt was worried sick and fell ill after she couldn’t find her niece anywhere.

Police searching teams were sent out to find the girl in the wood and the areas nearby but no sign of her, not even the footprint or the cloth from her dress.

Mr. Hickory was the last person who saw Dorothy on the day she disappeared. He said she was playing with her little black dog near Mrs. Almira Gulch’s house.

He claimed that he saw Mrs. Almira yelling at Dorothy about her dog playing around in Mrs. Almira’s flower plot. Mrs. Hickory believed that Mrs. Almira was the one who kidnapped the girl.

There was a rumor in the village that Mrs. Almira was a witch and she could spell black magic to people. The villagers believed the rumor since Mrs. Almira avoided to contact people and raised a black cat.

“We haven’t drawn any conclusion about the case yet” said Mr.Zeke, the chief inspector. “We will talk with the girl first about her disappearance. There is no need to take Mrs. Almira to the police station with no charge.”

Mrs. Almira still hadn’t came out from the house or made any comments about the accusation from the villagers.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Liverpool win World Champion Cup
Liverpool 4 Manchester United 1
Liverpool Captain Steven Gerrard lifts the trophy after beating Manchester United at the Wembley Stadium. Ap

Pongpat Pattamatat

LONDON: A highly excellent performance from Liverpool players saw their team earn a 4-1 win over Manchester United in World Champion Cup at Wembley on Sunday.

The 4-1 final score didn’t flatter Liverpool as they could totally control their game against Manchester United. The Kop fans were pleased with the amount of chances that the team created during the match.

It was remembered for a remarkable performance of goalscoring from Liverpool’s Steven Gerrard who was the best player on the pitch and got the man of the match award of Liverpool’s 4-1 World Champion Cup Final victory over Manchester United.

“We had the delight of watching the captain scored a hat-trick today,” said Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish. “It was absolutely tremendous and that is reflected in the goals he bagged.”

 United boss Sir Alex Ferguson admitted that “Liverpool players were simply faultless today, especially Gerrard.  We were completely dominated by them.”

The Manchester United defense could not cope with Gerrard's finishing, as he caught 3goals for The Reds.

First half, captain Gerrard got Liverpool off to a flying start by scoring an accurate powerful finish in the 7th minute. He added his 2nd goal of the game with an inclusive finish in the 36th minute. An error from Manchester united in the 44th minute allowed striker Luis Suarez to score his 40 goals of the season in all competitions.

Second half, Gerrard lift Liverpool up by scoring a curling shot from the edge of the area after just second minute of the second half. England striker Wayne Rooney’s 72nd minute strike proved the only consolation for Manchester United.

The match finished with Liverpool’s convincing 4-1 win over Manchester United. With Manchester United starting at defeat, there was controversy as center-back Ferdinand then had a penalty denied.

Steven Gerrard has been superb for Liverpool so far this season, helping his team with a fantastic goal scoring of 25 goals in forty appeared.