Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hilly, new joke of Jackson

Hilly, new joke of Jackson

By Thierawan Bhookong

Mississippi - On Sunday 11th, 2012, Hilly Holbrook became a new talk of the Jackson town when her front yard was filled with many lavatories, considered to be the revenge of her home health sanitation.

Early in the morning, Hilly Holbrook, the president of junior league of Jackson, woke up to found hundreds of toilets in her front yard, the best yard of the year.

“I heard Hilly’s screaming when she got out of her house. She was crying and yelling angrily, tried to stop people from taking picture of her yard.” said, Hilly’s neighbor. “I don’t pity her if you ask me. She tries to boss around and it’s so annoying. Good to see someone teach her a lesson.”

Recently, Hilly tries to pass on a home health sanitation initiative to build a separate bathroom for black maids to every white people houses. This made many people, especially colored people, furious for considering this as racism.

Hilly said that the sanitation was necessary because, as she claimed, colored people carry different diseases from white people. She tried to make the sanitation passed through the White Citizen's Council, to become an actual law.

“Hilly thinks colored people are different from white people. The idea of colored people has the right as equal as white people scares her.” said one of Hilly’s friends. “She stopped talking with Eugenia, her best friends, because Eugenia said the whole sanitation was inhuman and disagreed to cooperate.”

One of the colored maids said that Hilly was Hitler of this era. Instead of destroy the Jew; she intended to wipe out all the colored people.

“Miss Hilly treats us cruelly. Even the day with the storm, she wouldn’t let us use toilet in her house. We do all the house chore and taking care of her baby. Yet, she’s never treated us as a person.”

Religious Killing of Daughters

By Maitree T.

BAKKOK - Yesterday, the policed arrested two Muslim parents outside New York City for murdering their two young daughters. The reason behind the murder was associated with religious taboos.

Jasmine, 18 years old and her sister, Laura, 21 years old, were found dead in their car in a canal near their school.

Police became suspicious of the parents when they noticed that there was also damage on the parents' vehicle that matched the damage on the daughters' vehicle.

After the investigation, Mohammed, the father, confessed that he pushed his daughters’ vehicle into the canal because he was not happy with the way they were dressing and the way they were interacting with boys at high school.

The investigators also found out that Hanna, the mother and her cousin, Abdul, were involved in this murder.

After hearing that his daughters were going to meet some American boys, the father, Mohammed, and the cousin, Abdul, followed the girls in their own vehicle. When the girls were stopped near a canal, they used their own vehicle to push the girl’s car into the water.

“I think my daughters behaved against the teaching of the Koran and our neighbors were looking down on them like they were so cheap. They also cursed at them and at all our family members too. Every day, I felt ashamed and embarrassed. No matter how many times I warned them, they never listened. I could not accept their behavior. Seeing my daughters being so Western breaks my heart.” Hanna said.

Students at Jasmine’s and Laura’s school were outraged and saddened by what the parents had done to the two girls. Many students went to the canal to put down flowers and candles in memory of the two girls.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Madrid stuns Barca as run goes on

Ronaldo beats Barcelona’s Marcherano before scoring the winning goal for Real Madrid. Reuters

Pongpat Pattamatat

Barcelona: Real Madrid have extended their winning streak for a title of the La Liga  leage with a 3-2 victory over Barcelona at the Camp Nou stadium on Sunday.    
Two goals from Christiano Ronaldo overcame resilient Barcelona at Camp Nou, helped his team to victory, up three points ahead of Barcelona.
 The game started with Xabi Alonso’s penalty shot smacked the crossbar which missed a chance to put Madrid in front in the first minute of the game.
For 4 minutes later, experienced Striker David Villa gave Barca the lead with a good headed from just inside six yard box. Villa doubled Barca’s lead with an unstoppable 35-yard shot into the corner of the net in the 42nd minute.
In the second half, Christiano Ronaldo made a hope forMadrid by scoring a long range goal in the 54th minute. Madrid’s equalizer came through world class striker Fernando Torres    as he seized on full-back Macherano’s mistake to score a    tap-in. Ronaldo forced Barcelona to be the loser by placing a ball into a goal in second-half injury time.
The match ended with Real Madrid’s convincing 3-2 win over Barcelona  
Barcelona boss Gladiola said that “We didn’t perform a solid performance in the second half, so it led us to lose 3 worth points. We will leave the result of this match behind and focus on the next game instead.” 
"Our lads made a superb comback today and Ronaldo was stellar for us," said Real Madrid boss Jose Mourinho. " We were happy with the win, but we need other wins to be a champion at the end of the season."
Wining 23 and losing 6 matches have been made a big title chance for Real Madrid so far this season.
 The Real Madrid victory over Barcelona let them get closer and closer to become a champion of the La Liga leage this season which are 3 games remaining.
According to the La Li 2011-2012 table, Real Madrid have to battle with Valencia, Sevilla and Malaga to take at least 6 points for being the champion. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Katze wins Pet President’s Election

Katze wins Pet President’s Election


Michael Katze in his office photograph by

Pet Metropolis  Mr. Michael Katze won the presidential election against Mr. Patrick Hund, his opponent.

Patrick Hund, Human Best Friend Party’s candidate, admitted his defeat and congratulated Katze for his victory. “It was a great fight with Katze. He’s a noble gentleman. We both hope best for Kingdom of Pet. I am willing to work with him to serve our people. ”

Yesterday Mr. Katze gave his first speech as the president of Kingdom of Pet promising to banish seafood corruptions in the country.   

“I gave my words on driving seafood corruptions out of this country. Now I have the power to do so, I’ll never ever let any fish out of the ocean. ” said Mr. Katze

Conversely, last week Pet Metropolis Poll issued the poll pointing that Michael Katze was behind Patrick Hund for 1 point.

Mrs. Brooklyn Katze, Michael Katze’s wife, claimed that she always believed her husband would win the election.

“I have never seen a person who dedicated to our country more than Michael. He works very hard for it. I always know that he would win because people can see what I see.” said Brooklyn after the unofficial result releasing.

Former President Francis Vogel blessed the new president and praised his ability in fixing problems.

“Michael is perfect for the situation of our country. He was the best Secretary of State in the history. He solved the problem with Thailand.” said Mr. Vogel

People of Kingdom of Pet celebrated for their new president on streets all night. One of Katze supporters told the reporter that he was full with joy for Katze’s victory so he had to share with others on the street.  

According to Police Department, police officers were sent out to control the celebration around the country therefore there was no report of any kind of troubles.

This article is a part of final project in the journalism class. The information above is fictional.